Monday, March 13, 2017


Image result for Amazing things - world in miniature

Your story should have a hook in sentence, a beginning middle and end, descriptive words, long and short sentences and capital letters and full stops.
  • Your story could have paragraphs, speech and speech marks, alliteration, onomatopoeia and similes.
  • Edit and check your story on your own , with a buddy and have it checked by a teacher before you blog.
 One day two little squirrels were playing hide and seek as soon as they saw a trail of stones they started to follow it.Soon the stones lead to a little forest that had kind and cute little animals , not like tigers and cheetahs but baby cheetahs are cute.
      So they went into the forest and saw all the animals and started making friends with them but one thing they did not tell them was, it was school for them .Then one kind animal told them that they had school. Then the little twin  squirrels said “ can we come to school as well “.And the animals said “ sure”  if I can ask my teacher  if she says yes you can come.
       So the next day they went to school and asked their teacher if the two little twin squirrels could join their  class and Mrs Roach was a animal teacher that teaches animals  how to be nice to other animals.She also teaches them how to welcome people to their school.And she said “Yes”.Then she said to the other animals we will have a welcome assembly tomorrow.The animals went yes very loudly but one animal did not like assemblies.She only loves food like mice or more mice.
  So it was home time so the two little squirrels were waiting for their mum to come so they decided to play while their mum is coming to pick them up.Soon their mum was here and picked them up and before they went  they yelled out byeeeeeeeeee.So they told their mum everything and they said “it was the best day ever.
  They enjoyed school so they went to school everyday  and the cat girl started bullying the  two little twins.It was really mean, she was not kind at all, she was mean and a greedy cat.So he told the teacher and the teacher said”Be nice to the new student Wriley so she learned something new. She started being nice and kind and learned it from the twins.They started being friends.